Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

Amendments of Muslim Family Laws Ordinance 1961

As per Lawkidunya, The Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961, has undergone several amendments since its enactment. Here are some of the key amendments:

Amendments of Muslim Family Laws

1. Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Act, 1964

– Introduced changes to the procedure for registration of marriages and divorces.
– Provided for the appointment of additional members to the Arbitration Council.

2. Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Act, 1975

– Amended the provisions related to polygamy, making it more difficult for men to enter into polygamous marriages.
– Introduced changes to the procedure for divorce by talaq.

3. Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Ordinance, 1981

– Provided for the establishment of a Federal Shariat Court to oversee the implementation of Islamic law in Pakistan.
– Introduced changes to the provisions related to maintenance and custody.

4. Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Act, 1999

– Amended the provisions related to divorce by talaq, requiring the husband to provide written notice of his intention to divorce his wife.
– Introduced changes to the procedure for registration of marriages and divorces.

5. Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 (Punjab)

– Amended the provisions related to polygamy, making it more difficult for men to enter into polygamous marriages.
– Introduced changes to the procedure for divorce by talaq.

6. Muslim Family Laws (Amendment) Act, 2021

– Amended the provisions related to registration of marriages and divorces.
– Introduced changes to the procedure for maintenance and custody.
These amendments have aimed to improve the protection of women’s rights and promote social justice in Pakistan.

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