Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

The Family Courts Act 1964 Key Provisions & Objectives

As per Lawkidunya, The Family Courts Act 1964 is a law in Pakistan that established family courts to deal with family-related disputes, including divorce, maintenance, custody of children, and other family matters. The Act aimed to provide a specialized forum for resolving family disputes in a just and expeditious manner.

Key Provisions of Family Courts Act 1964

1. Establishment of Family Courts: The Act established family courts in each district of Pakistan, with jurisdiction to try and dispose of family disputes.
2. Jurisdiction: Family courts have jurisdiction to try and dispose of cases related to:
– Divorce
– Maintenance
– Custody of children
– Guardianship
– Dower
– Other family-related matters
3. Procedure: The Act outlines the procedure for filing and hearing family cases, including the requirement for conciliation and mediation.
4. Conciliation and Mediation: The Act emphasizes the importance of conciliation and mediation in resolving family disputes, and provides for the appointment of conciliators and mediators.
5. Appeals: The Act provides for appeals from decisions of family courts to the High Court.

Objectives of Family Courts Act 1964

6. To provide a specialized forum for resolving family disputes: The Act aimed to establish a specialized court that could deal with family-related disputes in a just and expeditious manner.
7. To promote conciliation and mediation: The Act emphasized the importance of conciliation and mediation in resolving family disputes, with the aim of promoting reconciliation and reducing conflict.
8. To protect the rights of women and children: The Act aimed to protect the rights of women and children in family disputes, and to provide a forum for them to seek justice.
9. Establishment of specialized courts: The Act led to the establishment of specialized family courts in each district of Pakistan, which have helped to resolve family disputes in a just and expeditious manner.
10. Promotion of conciliation and mediation: The Act has promoted the use of conciliation and mediation in resolving family disputes, which has helped to reduce conflict and promote reconciliation.
11. Protection of women’s and children’s rights: The Act has helped to protect the rights of women and children in family disputes, and has provided a forum for them to seek justice. Download

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