Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What Interrogation Techniques Lead to False Confessions

As per Lawkidunya, There are Several Interrogation Techniques that have been shown to increase the risk of false confessions. These techniques can be divided into two categories: psychological and physical. Psychological techniques that can lead to false confessions include:

The Reid Technique: This is a widely used method of interrogating suspects that involves the use of psychological manipulation to try to get a suspect to confess. The interrogator uses a combination of confrontation, inducement, and rationalization to try to get the suspect to admit to the crime.

Leading Questions: Interrogators may ask questions that suggest a certain answer or contain information that the interrogator wants the suspect to confirm. This can lead suspects to provide false or misleading information in an effort to please the interrogator or avoid further questioning.

Minimization: Interrogators may downplay the severity of the crime or the consequences of confessing in an effort to make the suspect feel more comfortable confessing. This can lead suspects to confess to crimes they did not commit because they do not fully understand the legal consequences of their actions.

Physical techniques that can lead to false confessions include:

Physical Abuse: Interrogators may use physical force or torture to try to extract a confession from a suspect. This can lead suspects to confess to crimes they did not commit in order to stop the abuse.

Sleep Deprivation: Interrogators may keep suspects awake for long periods of time in an effort to wear them down and make them more susceptible to confessing. This can lead suspects to confess to crimes they did not commit due to exhaustion and confusion.

Isolation: Interrogators may keep suspects isolated from family, friends, and legal counsel in an effort to increase their vulnerability and dependency on the interrogator. This can lead suspects to confess to crimes they did not commit in order to regain contact with their support network.

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