Adv Ch Shahid Bhalli

What is Immovable Property Damage as Per Law in Pakistan

As per Lawkidunya, Immovable Property Damage in Pakistan are that, it is the spoil or destruction of houses, gardens, trees or unlawful damage caused to the immovable property by the person who was just given lawful possession of that property. such damage must be of permanent nature and should cause prejudice to the owner or the reversioner.

Further more, Immovable Property Damage is injury to real or personal property. An example could be a chemical leak on a piece of real estate, or damage to a car from an accident. Property owners can obtain property insurance to protect against the risk of property damage.

What is the Meaning of Damage Property as Per Law

Property damage meaning is defined as harm to real or personal property that occurred due to natural forces or someone’s act or omission. Damage to property examples can include: Residential property damage, including damage to your home, trees, and driveway. Commercial property destruction.

What are the Most Common Types of Property Damage

Wind damage, water damage, fire damage, and burglary are four common types of property damage, so it’s vital to take the necessary steps to safeguard your home. Taking action after any of these traumatic events can be extremely challenging.

What is the Difference Between Property Damage and Physical Damage

Property damage means damage to property belonging to a third party and is covered under commercial auto liability coverage. Physical damage generally means damage to a vehicle owned by the policyholder. Physical damage is insured under comprehensive and collision coverage.

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